15 Easy Steps

The title is a little tongue in cheek, because starting a business is never easy. It takes a lot of hard work, commitment, enough capital, and paying attention to details in order to get a business off the ground these days. When I decided to start my custom home planning and drafting business, I tried hard to find a good startup guide that would lay it all out for me in a logical order. I couldn't find anything in the library that had all the steps clearly listed without a lot of confusing fluff and filler. So, motivated mostly out of frustration, I decided to write one good article on this subject based upon my experience and make it available to others. So far, I think I've only just scratched the tip of the iceberg and composed a bare-bones outline at best, but I hope it will accomplish what I intend, which is to help others get pointed in the right direction. avocadoallstars avocadoallstars avocadoallstars avocadoallstars avocadoallstars avocadoallstars avocadoallstars avocadoallstars avocadoallstars avocadoallstars avocadoallstars avocadoallstars avocadoallstars avocadoallstars avocadoallstars avocadoallstars avocadoallstars avocadoallstars avocadoallstars avocadoallstars avocadoallstars avocadoallstars avocadoallstars avocadoallstars avocadoallstars avocadoallstars avocadoallstars avocadoallstars avocadoallstars avocadoallstars


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